Archive for December, 2007

The Year of our Lord, 2007

Sorry for the hiatus, folks.  I meant to write a “Hil Street is on vacation” post, but when I realized I had a week-and-a-half break from both of my jobs, I suddenly created an aversion to computers, the internet, and typing.  This aversion could not be overcome.  So I am very sorry that the Holly Street Journal didn’t have a post on Christmas Day.

Opening my laptop required the strength of Hercules. 

So if you e-mailed me – sorry.  I haven’t read it.  It got so bad that I called Tara to ask what one of her e-mails said, explaining that I was avoiding my computer.  I refuse to open my e-mail.

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas.  Now, we are on to 2008 – can you believe it?  My New Year’s resolution is to eat more vegetables.  While I do keep a healthy organic diet (evidenced by the sharp decline of Kraft Spiral Mac and Cheese sales in the early 2000s) we could all use more veggies.

I’m also going to incorporate more free time.  It only took about six panic attacks and fourteen inconsolable crying fits in 2007 for me to realize that some obligations just had to go.  I want more time just to “be.”  Prayer is more meaningful when in a true meditative state, no?   

I want more time to be a good wife, daughter, sister and friend.  This free time in 2008 will include more brunches with girlfriends, more phone calls to Ellie,  more time devoted to the British “The Office,” more time to read, and more time to arrange and rearrange my vast collection of shoes (Suz knows).

But 2007 isn’t gone yet!  2007 was a milestone year.  Ryan and I continued our education.  We earned our undergraduate in marriage.  Mercedes died. My sister moved to Maine.  Ryan grew a beard.  Ryan and I rode mules into the Grand Canyon.  We got a puppy.  We planted a tree.  My cousin returned safely from Iraq.  I started a blog. 

In honor of blogging in 2007, here are the top Hil Street blog posts.

Move That Bus!

Hil Street Before and After!

Ellie’s Rabbit in the House Post!

Letters from Iraq

Big Fish Retires!

Uptown Buffet Club First Meeting! 

I am dating a college student!

Party Like it’s 1999!

An Open Letter to Ben Folds!

Reflections on Puppy Ownsership!

An Open Letter to E-mail Forwards!

Famous Pumpkins!

Christmas Card Attempts!

Barack Oil-bama!

Hil Street Dog Walk!

Open Letter to the Screen Writer’s Guild!

My other car is a sleigh!

Bad Christmas Songs!


Happy Anniversary, Jon and Morgan!

Today, Jon and Morgan have been married one year!  Many congratulations!

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Mercedes Photo Montage!

Come on – you knew it was coming!  Give me a couple days to heal … and here it is! … the Mercedes Memorial Photo Montage!


22D tree!

Christmas Tree 2007

Christmas Tree circa 2001 or 2002

Here is our Christmas tree. It has many, many fond Christmas memories.  It was purchased at the Waco Wal-Mart in November 2000.  This “6 1/2 foot Monroe Pine” is the same tree my roommates decorated in college in apartment 22D!  I remember decorating it – actually watching Katie decorate it while Ginny, Becky and I decorated ourselves with the ornaments.  Thanks for keeping us on schedule, Kate! – while we blasted Christmas music, lit Christmas-smelling candles, and made coffee at 11:00 p.m. 

I get to see my roomies over the break for lunch since Ryan and I will be in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area. Maybe we’ll have some coffee. 🙂


My other car is a sleigh!

I went to the pet store this weekend.  When I arrived, the pet-store Santa was standing out front having a smoke break.  He removed his white gloves and moved his beard out of the way of his mouth.

Leanne saw him too, and since he removed his beard, you could see that he was about 20 years old.  Not very Santa-like.

I don’t care if this guy smokes – Lord knows I do lots of unhealthy things (like eat an entire box of Kraft Mac and Cheese when I have a bad day.  That’s not healthy or organic.  Sorry John Mackey.) But I was bothered by the fact that Santa was being a person out in front of the store.  Kind of like when you were a kid and you ran into your teachers at the mall – it was weird! 

So listen up, Retail Santa –  here is Hil Street’s list of things I don’t want to see you do …

1. Climb into your Camaro with a “Yield to the Princess” bumper sticker after your shift at Macy’s

2. Rub your still-tender new tattoo of Ty Pennington

3. Listen to Manheim Steamroller

4. Use a pick up line at a bar: “I see you when you are sleeping, and I know you don’t wear anything to bed.  Ow!”

5. Eat an entire box of Kraft Mac and Cheese


Last Shopping Day for Christmas Shipping!


I’m sorry, but isn’t the Two Blue Peas Christmas logo the cutest thing you have ever seen?  The peas are Christmas ornaments! 

December 18 is the last day to shop at Two Blue Peas for Christmas arrival!  Get online now to get your peas something wonderful.

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Attention North-Austin Area Hil Street Readers: Milwood Christmas Light Run!

Mike is very involved in the leadership of our neighborhood association.  I feel like he is our elected congressional representative.  Anytime the group gets together, we ask him all sorts of neighborhood questions.  For example …

“Mike, what’s all that construction by the railroad tracks?”

“Mike, what time is the neighborhood barbecue?”

“Mike, why is there another Milwood?”

“Mike, why does my neighbor park in their yard?”

“Mike, why did I think that things were exploding in my backyard last night?”

“Mike, what’s with the arrows?”

“Mike, what does ‘The Warwick’ mean?”

You get the picture.

Anyway, as part of his congressional duties, Mike organized the Annual Milwood Christmas Light Contest.  You can vote online until Monday, so I have taken it upon myself to organize a four-mile hike, bike or run route through Milwood so that you can view the homes live and in-person before voting.  Merry Christmas!

Google Map of the 2007 Milwood Christmas Light Finalists!



While I do not feel like blogging in detail, I want to let those on Hil Street know that Mercedes was put to sleep this morning at 9:30 a.m.

What a cat!  She was with us for 18 years (impressive!) and will be greatly missed.  (Mostly by Hollis, who never really uncovered the mystery of the cat who liked him sometimes, but usually swatted.)

God bless little Mercedes!


December 13, 2003!


Look at these crazy kids.  Young and jobless … standing together during the most expensive party of their lives … having no clue about life.  Aren’t they cute?

Today marks my four year anniversary of wedded bliss to Husbanks.  Ah, we have learned and experienced so much together. 

Things I still like after four years:
1. Sex (sorry Mom and Dad)
2. Cuddling
3. Ryan’s sense of humor
4. Long discussions on religion, politics and government  
5. Ryan’s general hotness

Things I don’t still enjoy after four years:
1. The Golf Channel
2. The “So a guy walks into a psycharitrists office …” joke
3. Boiled Hotdogs
4. “So I was listening to NPR …”
5. The Golf Channel

Happy Anniversary, Ryan!  You are a fantastic husbanks.  Maybe I’ll even bake you a cake.



I have been in a marketing communications class at work for ten months.  Ten months of classes culminates in today’s presentation!  My group has been great – I’ll miss them, but I won’t miss working on this project 24/7.  I miss Ryan and Hollis!

Special thanks to Weslie, Kevin and Sarah for the interviews! 

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