“In case of emergency” contact – the new Best Friends necklace!

Remember the insurance fraud Friends episode? When Rachel and Monica realized just how close of Friends they really were because they were each other’s “in case of emergency” contacts?

Being an “in case of emergency” contact is truly a friendship badge of honor.  The more serious the document, the more serious the friendship.  In case of emergency for your dermatologist?  Not that exciting.  In case of emergency for a nighttime kayak ride?  That’s friendship.  In case of emergency when your alarm goes off?  That’s at the same level as Godparents.  But lately I am wondering if it’s a blessing or a curse for our “in case of emergency” contacts, Eric and Tara.

Yesterday they received the second or third “false alarm” round of phone calls from Brinks security.  Ryan and I love to set the alarm when pet sitters, cleaning people and relatives without the code are invited into our home.  It’s a silly game we play.  We like to scare these people by a) having skittish cats, b) having Ryan appear in a towel and c) the zinger – having the alarm go off.  Deirdre almost went to jail.

Eric and Tara – thanks for being our “in case of emergency” friends.  Sorry it results in so many false alarms.

  1. #1 by Husbanks on April 10, 2008 - 1:16 pm

    Here. Here. (Hear. Hear.???) Not sure I have ever written that. Thanks, Thronsons. You are wonderful friends.

  2. #2 by saltimbocca on April 10, 2008 - 11:33 pm

    So that explains the phone messages repeating your address…

  3. #3 by saltimbocca on April 10, 2008 - 11:35 pm

    ohhhhh and sorry i wouldnt. let. you. leave. work., which probably resulted in this fiasco.

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